
How Seismic Retrofitting Fits Into Your Safety Plan

How Seismic Retrofitting Fits Into Your Safety Plan

In areas vulnerable to seismic activity, such as Seattle, the importance of seismic retrofitting cannot be overstated. It’s far from being merely optional; it’s an essential component of any comprehensive safety plan. This blog aims to explain the significance of seismic retrofitting specialists and how they can substantially improve the safety and durability of your structure.

Understanding Seismic Retrofitting

Seismic retrofitting involves strengthening existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity. This is crucial for older buildings that may not have been designed with modern earthquake-resistant standards in mind.

Why Seismic Retrofitting is Essential

In earthquake-prone areas, seismic retrofitting is not just about compliance with building codes; it’s about safeguarding lives and assets. The cost of not retrofitting can be devastating both financially and emotionally.

Integrating Seismic Retrofitting into Your Safety Plan

A comprehensive safety plan includes various elements, from fire safety to cybersecurity. Seismic retrofitting is integral to this plan, especially for businesses in seismically active regions.

Assessing Your Building’s Vulnerability

You must assess your building’s vulnerability before integrating seismic retrofitting into your safety plan. This involves structural assessments and consultations with experts.

Types of Seismic Retrofitting Techniques

There are various methods of seismic retrofitting, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing which technique is best for your building is crucial for effective retrofitting.

Financial Considerations

While seismic retrofitting requires an upfront investment, the long-term benefits, including reduced insurance premiums and increased property value, make it a wise financial decision.

Regulatory Compliance

Local building codes often mandate seismic retrofitting. 

The Role of Technology in Seismic Retrofitting

Advancements in technology have made seismic retrofitting more effective and less intrusive. 

Choosing the Right Seismic Retrofitting Specialist

Your choice of retrofitting specialist can significantly impact the success of your project. Seismic retrofitting is not just an add-on to your safety plan; it’s a critical component that can save lives and protect assets. Evergreen Seismic is the only clear choice when implementing this crucial safety measure. 

Our expertise and commitment to excellence make us your go-to seismic retrofitting specialist in Seattle. Ready to make your building safer and more resilient? Contact Evergreen Seismic, and let’s start planning your seismic retrofitting project today.

The Psychological Benefits of Earthquake Retrofitting for Building Occupants

The Psychological Benefits of Earthquake Retrofitting for Building Occupants

When you live in an area with frequent seismic activity, you highly value peace of mind. If you live in Skagit County, people might have emphasized securing your property from earthquakes. But have you considered the deep psychological benefits that accompany this action? When you consult an earthquake retrofitting specialist, you don’t just safeguard your property; you invest in the mental well-being of everyone living in that building.

Understanding the Fear

Earthquakes are unpredictable. The sudden jolt, the rumbling sound, and the uncertainty of when it might strike next can be a constant source of anxiety for many. This fear can affect daily life, making residents hesitant to invest in properties or even causing sleepless nights.

The Assurance of Retrofitting

When a building undergoes earthquake retrofitting, it’s fortified to withstand the forces of a quake. This means the structure is less likely to suffer significant damage, and the occupants inside are safer.

Knowing that specialists have retrofitted your building can provide an immense sense of relief. It’s akin to wearing a seatbelt in a car; you hope you’ll never need it, but it’s comforting to know it’s there.

Boosting Property Value and Confidence

Apart from the obvious safety benefits, retrofitting can also enhance the value of your property. Prospective buyers or renters in Skagit County are more likely to be attracted to a building fortified against earthquakes. This boosts their confidence in the property and reflects positively on the owner’s commitment to safety.

Building a Resilient Community

When more buildings in a community are retrofitted, it sends a strong message of unity and resilience. It shows that the community is proactive and values the safety and well-being of its members. This collective effort can foster a sense of belonging and pride among residents.

Earthquake retrofitting is more than just a structural enhancement; it’s a commitment to safety, peace of mind, and community resilience. Contact us at Evergreen Seismic to work with the best earthquake retrofitting specialists in Skagit County. Your peace of mind is worth it!

Innovative Approaches to Seismic Fastening in the 21st Century

Innovative Approaches to Seismic Fastening in the 21st Century

In the complex construction and structural engineering world, seismic fastening has become a critical aspect of modern building design. Especially in regions like Everett, WA, where seismic activity is not uncommon, innovative approaches to this essential process are constantly being developed and implemented.

Before diving into the latest advancements, let’s first understand seismic fastening. It refers to the securement of non-structural components (like equipment, furnishings, and architectural elements) to a building structure to prevent them from causing harm during an earthquake.

The Importance of Seismic Fastening

Seismic fastening is an integral part of earthquake preparedness. It helps protect lives, reduce injury risks, minimize property damage, and ensure quicker recovery after an earthquake.

Historically, seismic fastening has involved basic techniques such as bolting or welding items to the structure. While these methods can be effective, they often lack the flexibility needed to withstand the unpredictable movements of an earthquake.

The Shift Towards More Innovative Approaches

In the 21st century, engineers and architects are shifting towards more innovative approaches to seismic fastening. These include advanced materials, cutting-edge design techniques, and state-of-the-art technology.

One such advancement is the use of advanced materials. For instance, fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) and shape memory alloys (SMAs) are increasingly used for superior strength, resilience, and flexibility.

Cutting-Edge Design Techniques

Design techniques have also evolved. Engineers are now employing performance-based design principles, which focus on how a building will perform during an earthquake rather than simply obeying prescriptive code requirements.

Technology has had a significant impact too. For instance, computer simulations allow engineers to model seismic behavior and optimize fastening systems for specific situations.

Future Trends in Seismic Fastening

The 21st century has ushered in a new era of seismic fastening, with innovative approaches being developed and implemented at an unprecedented rate. These advances are crucial in regions prone to seismic activity, like Everett, WA, where practical seismic fastening is not just a matter of building integrity but of public safety. 

As we continue to innovate, we can look forward to a future where buildings are safer, more resilient, and more adaptable to the ever-present threat of earthquakes.

For more information about the latest seismic fastening or to discuss your project’s needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at Evergreen Seismic, the area’s best seismic fastening experts in Everett. We’re here to help you secure your property today!

The Future is Shaky: How Seismic Retrofitting Prepares Your Business for the Unknown

The Future is Shaky: How Seismic Retrofitting Prepares Your Business for the Unknown

Welcome to the age of unpredictability! Businesses have a lot on their plates, from climate change to economic fluctuations. But if you’re located in an earthquake-prone area like Mount Vernon, WA, there’s one more thing you should be concerned about: seismic activity. Thankfully, a seismic retrofitting specialist can help you prepare for the unknown, ensuring that your business remains standing even when the ground beneath it doesn’t.

The Science Behind Seismic Retrofitting

Before diving into the benefits, let’s understand what seismic retrofitting is. It’s a process that involves strengthening the structural integrity of a building to withstand seismic forces. This is achieved through various techniques like adding shear walls, installing base isolators, and reinforcing columns.

The Role of a Seismic Retrofitting Specialist

A seismic retrofitting specialist is your go-to expert for assessing the current state of your building and recommending the best retrofitting solutions. They conduct thorough inspections, create detailed plans, and oversee the retrofitting process from start to finish.

Timeframe: How Long Does Seismic Retrofitting Take?

The duration of a retrofitting project varies depending on the size and complexity of the building. However, most projects can be completed within a few months. The key is to work with a qualified seismic retrofitting specialist who can expedite the process without compromising on quality.

Permits and Regulations: Navigating the Legal Maze

Seismic retrofitting isn’t just about construction; it’s also about compliance. Various local and state regulations govern retrofitting projects. A seismic retrofitting specialist can help you navigate this legal maze, ensuring that your project meets all the necessary requirements.

Insurance Benefits: Lower Premiums, Higher Peace of Mind

Did you know that retrofitting your building can also lower your insurance premiums? Many insurance companies offer discounts for buildings that have been retrofitted, recognizing the reduced risk of significant damage during an earthquake.

The Environmental Angle: Retrofitting for a Greener Tomorrow

Seismic retrofitting isn’t just good for your business; it’s also good for the planet. By strengthening existing structures instead of building new ones, we can reduce waste and minimize the carbon footprint associated with construction.

Don’t Wait for the Ground to Shake

In a world full of uncertainties, seismic retrofitting offers a layer of security that every business in earthquake-prone areas like Mount Vernon, WA, should consider. It’s not just about surviving an earthquake; it’s about thriving in a world where the only constant is change.

Ready to secure your business’s future? Contact us at Evergreen Seismic, your trusted seismic retrofitting specialist in Mount VernonWe’re here to help you prepare for the unknown so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.

The ABCs of Earthquake Fastening for Seattle’s Vintage Homes

The ABCs of Earthquake Fastening for Seattle's Vintage Homes

Seattle is known for its gorgeous Pacific Northwest scenery, a thriving tech industry, and its stunning vintage homes. However, the city’s location also makes it vulnerable to the occasional earthquake. This has led many homeowners to explore earthquake fastening to safeguard their properties. But what does earthquake fastening entail? Let’s dive deep into the ABCs of earthquake fastening for Seattle’s vintage homes.

What is Earthquake Fastening?

We can start by closely examining the various earthquake fastening techniques. Each one has its place and purpose, ensuring homes are reinforced in the most effective way possible.

Foundation Bolting: This is often the first line of defense. The idea behind foundation bolting is pretty straightforward – securely attaching the home to its foundation. This technique typically involves drilling into the home’s existing foundation and installing bolts that link the home to its base. It’s essential in preventing the house from sliding or toppling off its foundation during an earthquake.

Cripple Wall Bracing: Next up, we have cripple wall bracing. This technique is specifically designed for homes with a crawlspace between the home’s first floor and its foundation. These “cripple walls” can collapse during an earthquake if they’re not properly reinforced. To prevent this, plywood is typically used to brace these walls, creating a sturdier structure that can better withstand the shaking during an earthquake.

Installing Shear Walls: Lastly, we’ve got the installation of shear walls. These are specific types of walls designed to resist lateral forces, like the ones produced by an earthquake. They’re typically made of stiff panels, like plywood, and are fastened to the framing of the house. Shear walls provide additional strength and stiffness to the structure, helping it to resist the forces that earthquakes generate.

The Crucial Role of Retrofitting in Vintage Homes

Choosing the right technique, or combination of techniques, depends on a variety of factors. The style and age of the home, its existing structure, and the nature of the seismic risk in the area all play into this decision. It’s always best to work with an experienced professional who understands both the intricacies of your home and the seismic realities of your region.

And let’s not forget about the beautiful, vintage homes in places like Seattle, WA! While they may lack some modern safety standards, these homes are far from a lost cause. By using these earthquake fastening techniques, we can ensure these architectural gems are preserved for future generations while providing a safe, secure place for people to live today. What a wonderful combination of past, present, and future!

Earthquake Fastening is Essential for Seattle’s Vintage Homes

With a city as beautiful and vibrant as Seattle, we must ensure that our homes—our havens—stand strong against the test of time and tectonic activity. Evergreen Seismic stands ready to help you navigate the ABCs of earthquake fastening for Seattle’s vintage homes. Don’t wait for the ground to shake—reach out to Evergreen Seismic today. Because when it comes to safeguarding your home, there’s no time like the present.

The Role of Damping Systems in Seismic Foundation Retrofitting

The Role of Damping Systems in Seismic Foundation Retrofitting

Seismic foundation retrofitting is of paramount importance when it comes to safeguarding your property from the devastating impact of earthquakes. Retrofitting becomes a crucial step in ensuring the longevity and safety of your property, especially in areas with high seismic activity, such as Renton.

One of the key components that contribute significantly to the effectiveness of this seismic retrofitting is the use of damping systems. But what exactly are these systems, and how do they work? Let’s dive deeper into this topic to gain a better understanding.

Unveiling Damping Systems: An Integral Part of Seismic Retrofitting

Damping systems are technologies designed to absorb and dissipate the energy generated by seismic activities, reducing the extent of oscillations a building might experience during an earthquake. By doing so, these systems help prevent or lessen structural damage, enhancing the overall resilience of the building.

Types of Damping Systems in Seismic Retrofitting

Damping systems used in seismic retrofitting can be broadly classified into the following categories:

  • Viscous Damping Systems: These systems employ fluid-filled devices to absorb the energy generated by an earthquake, similar to how shock absorbers work in a car.
  • Friction Damping Systems: These systems use mechanical friction between surfaces to reduce seismic energy.
  • Metallic Yielding Damping Systems: These systems use specially designed metallic components that yield under seismic loads, absorbing energy.
  • Elastomeric Damping Systems: These systems use rubber-like materials to absorb and dissipate seismic energy.

How Do Damping Systems Work in Seismic Retrofitting?

Regardless of their type, all damping systems work by converting the seismic energy into another form, primarily heat, and dissipating it, thereby preventing the energy from being transferred to the building’s structure.

The Benefits of Using Damping Systems in Seismic Retrofitting

There are numerous benefits to incorporating damping systems into your seismic retrofitting strategy:

  • Improved Building Safety: By reducing the energy transferred to the building during an earthquake, damping systems can prevent structural collapse, significantly enhancing the safety of the building’s occupants.
  • Reduced Repair Costs: By mitigating structural damage, damping systems can also minimize the repair costs that follow a seismic event.
  • Enhanced Building Resilience: The integration of damping systems increases the overall resilience of the building, enabling it to withstand stronger seismic activities without severe damage.

Are you looking to safeguard your property against seismic threats? Contact us at Evergreen Seismic. As the most trusted seismic foundation retrofitting specialists in Renton, WA, we’re committed to providing top-notch service, ensuring the safety and longevity of your building. Reach out today and let our team of experts design and implement the most effective damping system for your property.

Seismic Retrofitting Techniques for Soft-Story Buildings

Seismic Retrofitting Techniques for Soft-Story Buildings

When you think of Seattle, WA, the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, or its famous coffee culture might spring to mind. However, for seismic retrofitting specialists, Seattle’s dense urban landscape of multi-story buildings also presents a critical challenge. 

Understanding Soft-Story Buildings

Before walking through the retrofitting techniques, it’s important to understand soft-story buildings. Soft-story buildings are multi-story structures, typically residential, where the ground floor is significantly weaker than the upper floors due to large openings such as doors, windows, or garages. While aesthetically pleasing and functional, this design is highly vulnerable to seismic activities.

Common Seismic Retrofitting Techniques

Now that we’ve established the importance of seismic retrofitting let’s discuss some of the common techniques employed by professionals in Seattle:

1. Shear Walls

Shear walls are a popular retrofitting technique. These are solid wall segments installed on the weak ground floor to increase the lateral stiffness of the building, thereby reducing the chances of collapse during an earthquake.

2. Steel Frames

Another common approach is installing steel frames. Steel is extremely resilient, and when strategically placed, these frames can provide excellent support and increase a building’s resistance to seismic forces.

3. Cantilevered Columns

Cantilevered columns involve the addition of reinforced concrete or steel columns to existing weak columns. This method is often employed when other retrofitting techniques are not feasible due to architectural or space constraints.

4. Moment Frames

Moment frames are hinged connections that allow for rotation and bending during a quake. These frames help distribute the seismic forces more evenly, reducing the impact on the weaker lower stories.

5. Seismic Dampers

A more technologically advanced solution is the use of seismic dampers. They work similarly to shock absorbers in cars, reducing the magnitude of vibrations and, thus, the overall damage.

6. Base Isolation

Base isolation is a technique that involves installing flexible bearings or pads between a building’s foundation and structure. In an earthquake, the building moves with the ground, reducing the seismic energy transferred to the structure.

Protect Your Building Today with Seismic Retrofitting

Living in a seismically active city like Seattle, WA, owners of soft-story buildings need to take necessary precautions. Not only does seismic retrofitting enhance the safety of the building’s occupants, but it also contributes to the city’s overall resilience against earthquakes.

While the process might seem overwhelming, with the help of seismic retrofitting specialists, it doesn’t have to be. The professionals at Evergreen Seismic are just a call away. With their expert knowledge and dedication to safety, they can guide you through the process and recommend the best retrofitting techniques for your property.

Don’t wait for the next earthquake in Seattle, WA, to remind you of the importance of seismic retrofitting specialists. Contact Evergreen Seismic today and make your building safer and more resilient!

Earthquake Foundation Retrofitting as a Sustainable Solution

Earthquake Foundation Retrofitting as a Sustainable Solution

In a region such as Seattle, WA, known for its seismic activity, being proactive about the safety and longevity of your property is crucial. As environmental consciousness continues to take precedence and we strive for a more sustainable future, earthquake foundation retrofitting emerges as a pivotal solution. 

This technique enhances your property’s structural integrity and aligns with sustainable practices, promoting an eco-friendly approach to construction.

Understanding the Basics: What is Earthquake Foundation Retrofitting?

Earthquake foundation retrofitting refers to reinforcing a building’s foundation to make it more resistant to seismic activities. This process typically involves anchors, braces, or shear walls to secure the building to its foundation. While the specifics may vary based on the building’s construction and local building codes, the end goal is enhancing structural stability to withstand earthquakes.

Sustainability and Earthquake Retrofitting: The Connection

With growing awareness of climate change and environmental degradation, sustainability is becoming a key aspect of all industries, including construction. Earthquake retrofitting, by its very nature, embodies sustainability. Reinforcing existing structures reduces the need for new construction materials, thus conserving natural resources.

The Role of Advanced Materials in Retrofitting

Advanced materials play an integral part in sustainable retrofitting. Steel and fiber-reinforced polymers, known for their strength and durability, are commonly used. These materials not only extend the lifespan of the building but are often recyclable, contributing to a circular economy.

Financial Benefits of Retrofitting

While retrofitting requires an upfront investment, it can lead to significant savings in the long run. Consider the costs associated with repairing a severely damaged property or, even worse, rebuilding from scratch. Retrofitting reduces these potential expenses by strengthening your building against earthquakes, making it a financially sound decision.

Regulatory Compliance and Retrofitting

As more cities, especially those in seismic-prone regions, update their building codes to reflect modern safety standards, retrofitting can help property owners stay compliant. Violating these codes can lead to hefty fines, legal issues, or reduced property value. Earthquake retrofitting, therefore, safeguards you against these potential complications.

Earthquake Foundation Retrofitting and Real Estate Value

Beyond safety, earthquake foundation retrofitting can also increase your property’s market value. With enhanced structural integrity and sustainability credentials, a retrofitted building is more attractive to potential buyers or renters. As such, it can command higher prices or rental rates.

The Role of Technology in Retrofitting

Technology is revolutionizing the retrofitting process. From sophisticated software that allows engineers to simulate earthquakes and assess a building’s resilience to advanced tools that enhance precision during the retrofitting process, technology ensures more effective and efficient retrofitting.

Embrace a Sustainable Future with Earthquake Foundation Retrofitting

Property owners make a sustainable, safe, and economically prudent choice in a seismically active city like Seattle, WA, by retrofitting their earthquake foundations. This process captures the essence of modern construction practices. They use advanced materials, technology, and professional expertise to ensure the structural integrity of buildings, protect inhabitants, and promote eco-friendly practices. It’s not just about securing your property; it’s also about moving towards a more sustainable future.

Are you ready to enhance your building’s safety, increase value, and contribute to a greener world? Contact Evergreen Seismic, the trusted experts in earthquake foundation retrofitting in Seattle, WA. Together, we can make your property not just earthquake-resistant but also a part of the sustainable solution.

Why Earthquake Fastening Matters: Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones

Why Earthquake Fastening Matters: Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones

Earthquake fastening is an essential preventive measure to ensure the stability and integrity of your Maple Valley, WA, home during seismic events. Without it, earthquakes can substantially damage buildings, threatening the safety of those within them. This strategy involves securing your house to the foundation, reinforcing its capacity to resist the mighty shaking and shifting caused by earthquakes.

The Gravity of Earthquake Damage

The severity of earthquake damage can be overwhelming, leading to collapsed structures, ruptured gas lines, and even fatalities. With the unpredictable nature of these seismic events, failing to secure your home can put you and your family at considerable risk. This highlights the significance of taking preventative measures like earthquake fastening.

Why Earthquake Fastening is Crucial

Securing your home through earthquake fastening is paramount. This process reduces the risk of dislodging your home from its foundation, often resulting in catastrophic destruction. Furthermore, it enhances the overall structural integrity of your home, allowing it to withstand the forces exerted during an earthquake.

The Principles of Earthquake Fastening

The principle behind earthquake fastening is simple yet effective. By attaching the house to its foundation, the movement of the structure is restricted during a seismic event. This protects the building itself and safeguards those inside from the potential dangers of a collapsing structure.

Earthquake Fastening: A Wise Investment

Consider earthquake fastening as a wise investment in the safety and longevity of your home. Although the upfront cost may seem significant, the potential savings regarding reduced damage and possible loss of life are invaluable.

Your Local Area: Is it Earthquake-Prone?

The importance of earthquake fastening becomes more apparent when considering if your local area is prone to seismic activity. If you live in an area with a high risk of earthquakes, like Maple Valley or Seattle, WA, earthquake fastening is absolutely necessary.

Your Safety Deserves Evergreen Seismic

There is no underestimating the importance of earthquake fastening in ensuring the safety and integrity of your home during seismic events. Protecting your home and your loved ones from the unpredictable and potentially devastating impact of earthquakes is essential.

Evergreen Seismic should be your first contact if you’re located in Maple Valley, 25WA, and need professional earthquake fastening services. We are a team of dedicated professionals who prioritize your safety and deliver high-quality work to ensure your home is fully equipped to withstand earthquakes. Your safety deserves Evergreen Seismic, contact us today and see how we can protect your home or business!

Guarding Your Home against Earthquakes: The Magic of Seismic Gas Shut-Off Valves

Guarding Your Home against Earthquakes: The Magic of Seismic Gas Shut-Off Valves

For homeowners in Federal Way, WA, earthquake preparedness is not just a passing concern; it’s a necessity. Living in a seismic hotspot means that ensuring your home’s safety is a constant endeavor, and one of the most effective ways to do that is by installing seismic gas shut-off valves.

Understanding Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest, particularly regions like Federal Way, WA, is situated in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, an area notorious for its seismic activity. In the past, this zone has been the epicenter of some of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded. This underscores the need for effective measures to minimize earthquake-induced damages.

The Dangers of Post-Earthquake Gas Leaks

Among the various risks that earthquakes pose, gas leaks stand out due to their potential to trigger catastrophic fires. When seismic activity causes a rupture in your home’s gas lines, the released gas can quickly lead to explosive situations. Hence, it’s crucial to have a mechanism that can automatically shut off the gas supply following an earthquake.

Seismic Gas Shut-Off Valves: The First Line of Defense

This is where seismic gas shut-off valves come into play. These devices detect ground movement indicative of an earthquake and automatically shut off your home’s gas supply. It’s like having a vigilant guardian that protects your home even when you’re not there.

How Seismic Gas Shut-Off Valves Work

Seismic gas shut-off valves function based on motion sensor technology. When the valve detects seismic activity surpassing a specific threshold, it triggers a mechanism that instantly shuts off the gas supply, preventing a gas leak even if the lines are damaged.

The Importance of Professional Installation

While the concept behind seismic gas shut-off valves is straightforward, their installation requires professional expertise. If not installed properly, these valves may not work as intended, potentially risking your home.

Guarding Your Home: More than Just a Necessity

The decision to install seismic gas shut-off valves goes beyond mere compliance with regulations. It’s about creating a safer living space for you and your family and safeguarding your investment in your home.

Earthquake preparedness in Federal Way, WA, is a serious matter that requires a proactive approach. Our expertise and commitment to quality service ensure that your home’s gas system is well protected against seismic activity. Don’t wait for disaster to strike; reach out to Evergreen Seismic today for top-quality seismic gas shut-off valves!

We Love Our Customers!

We would definitely hire this company again. They had good communication; were prompt; respectful of our property; and completed the work in less time than expected. In general, they did a great job.

Evergreen Seismic came up in a Google search when I was questioning whether my earthquake insurance was really necessary, so I called and owner Matt came out for a free inspection. It turned out that our house did have some risk factors and Matt explained what he recommended and how they would do the job. After some research, I decided to proceed. They just finished after less than a week and Matt and his crew were thoroughly professional and friendly. I especially appreciated Matt's willingness to take extra time explaining things and he even offered some free advice on a couple of unrelated areas where some foundation repair was needed. A residential seismic retrofit isn't cheap and like any insurance, you hope you won't need it. I'm happy with the quality of the work performed and the price. I would recommend Matt and Evergreen Seismic to anyone thinking about making their home more earthquake tolerant.

We worked with Evergreen Seismic in the Summer of 2023 to retrofit our Seattle home. From the very first meeting, we knew that Matt was the right person to trust this project to. He is very knowledgeable and competent, and our communication was always transparent and smooth. Evergreen Seismic coordinated the process of getting the proper permit from the city (which took some time since we were using the standard set of plans) and provided us with all the documentation. When the time came for the retrofit itself, it was performed quickly and efficiently, in just one day for our one-story, 3-br. home. The city inspector was happy with the job as well! We confidently recommend Evergreen Seismic and Matt to anyone planning a seismic retrofit work in the Seattle area.

Evergreen Seismic was amazing to work with. Matt was quick to respond to our initial query, and took the time to walk us through the process and answer questions when he came out to look at the house. His bid was very clear and thorough. He's also a great communicator and made the whole process extremely smooth once we decided to go forward. We really appreciated that nothing felt rushed or unexpected. The crew here doing the work was considerate, patient with any questions we had, and kept us updated every day about what was going on. They did a really great job retrofitting our basement and crawl space and took care of some necessary repairs as well. We were lucky enough to have Evergreen recommended to us, so passing on the recommendation now! We would hire them again with zero reservations.

Evergreen Seismic and Matt were such blessings to us during our seismic retrofit on a Bellevue home we just bought! Matt and his crew, Phil and Nick, were all equally tremendous and beyond helpful to us and my inlaws! We were hell bent on seismically retrofitting by removing drywall interiorally vs sidings exteriorally. And Matt was accommodating to our request. As a hedge though, we knew we wanted a contractor who knows how to retrofit by both methods should a need arises during the retrofit peocess! And Matt fits the bill with his extensive knowledge and years working in earthquake retrofitting. They say never open up drywall if you don't want to find out what deep dark secrets lie underneath. And boy, did we unearthed a structurally problematic framing job on most all the studs holding up an exterior wall of the house, which threw my husband and I in a loop thinking of the scope creep. But Matt stuck with us, helped to sister in all new 2x4s on the compromised studs, and best yet didnt charge us an arm and a leg to fix the framing issue because he truly cares about doing the best job at the most economical rate. The framing job along with the seismic retrofit all easily passed various round of inspections. What started as out as contractor/client relationship became friendship based on what transpired with our house framing issue. We can only hope to find contractors as knowledgeable and honest as Matt and crew!

I would hire Matt again in a heartbeat. Not only do he and his crew perform good work (in my case, seismic retrofit) at a fair price, he combines his core competencies with great people skills and clear, timely, winsome communication. I am especially grateful to Matt because he was ever so patient with me when I suffered long COVID a few weeks after signing the contract, prompting me to delay the project a few months while I recovered. Matt turned what I expected to be a stressful experience into a very good experience. I encourage anyone considering a seismic retrofit to invite Matt to visit you and give you an estimate. I expect that you, too, will be highly satisfied with the result.

Matt did a fantastic job on the earthquake retrofit for our home. Our garage had never been so clean as it was after he was done with his work. Matt had the utmost professionalism through every step of the project. The contract clearly explained everything he was going to do, and he completed every step exactly as described. He thoroughly answered each of my questions during his initial visit in a way where he not only answered the question I asked, but gave background information to educate me on the topic of seismic retrofit. It's great to have the peace of mind that not only is my home now better able to withstand the "big one" that will eventually come to the PNW, but also that the work was done by a great company.

Matt is knowledgeable and competent, and he communicates clearly before and during the job. He made sure that we knew what our options were, and that we understood them. Matt is a friendly, likable person and obviously cares about doing a professional job. He wants his customers to be happy. It was soon clear that we could count on Matt and his team to show up on time and also to clean the site each day before they left. They worked all day each day until the project was finished. I would certainly recommend Evergreen Seismic to anyone who wishes to retrofit their home. I have confidence now that my 1901 home is in much better shape to withstand a significant earthquake without coming off the foundation.

Matt came out to see if our house needs a retrofit and I was absolutely blown away by his honesty, knowledge and professionalism. He advised against retrofitting our house due to the newer age of the home but did provide me with a tonne of useful information that I did not come across during my research and while speaking with other retrofit companies.

I was extremely pleased with the seismic retrofitting job Matt and his team completed for me. The entire experience was seamless. Matt was extremely informative during the bidding process and everything was completed on time and to a high standard. The work site was cleaned everyday and work plans and schedules were clearly communicated. It's obvious that Matt and his team really care about performing quality work. To echo another review, if I could hire them for all my home renovations, I would.

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